Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tommee Tippee - Close To Nature

I did a lot of survey on bb bottles...especially yg BPA free (trying to get the best for my lil bb) there are lots in da market...ade Avent, Dr. Brown, Evenflo, The First Year Breastflow, Tommee Tippee and mcm2 lagi la...Pureen pon ade claim some of their bottles are BPA free...and the price is cheaper la kalo nk compare ngan yg international brands ni...

Seriously cam taktau nk beli yg mane asalnye...coz some people said that the bottle plays an important role...salah botol nnt gg bb tak cantik la and whatsoever...tu yg seram bile pk tu...huhu...but finally decided to get Tommee Tippee's bottles...why?

1. BPA free of course!
2. reasonable price & good reputation (based on my own internet research la =P)
3. comel gile!!

Tapi susah btol nk cari botol ni...kat supermarket definitely tade...kat bb store pon yg selected je yg ade...merata2 la bejln nk cari botol ni nye psl...huhu...for those yg mls nk bazir minyak keta tu bole la cari kat:


ade dua tiga da tak igt.. =P I've bought mine...and it is superb cute!!

Tommee Tippee for my pwincess... I LOVE IT!! :D


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