Sunday, August 8, 2010

It has been a year....

time flies too fast...sedar tak sedar setahun da pon berlalu...hepi first anniversary sayang... :* :* :*

dulu berangan2 nk g for another honeymoon tp ape nk wat first anniversary jatuh dlm tempoh berpantang...da abeh pantang pon da ade 'orang ketiga' so cam terpakse lupekan impian honeymoon tu...huhu...unless ade orang sudi menjage lil pwincess ni la kan... (dia bgn mlm almost every 1 hour okehhh... =p)

dok belek gamba kawen...teringat plak cemane kelam kabutnye handle segala2 bende all by myself...dari belanje kawen...makan...deco...baju...segalanye la...sampaikan a day b4 the big day pon masih ke hulur ke hilir setelkan mcm2 bende...and paling haru tdo kol 3 pagi n bgn esoknye utk nikah dgn mata panda...huhu...syukur majlis masih berjalan lancar even ade la cacat cela sket2...nothing's perfect rite? ;)

it has been a year bergelar wasn't easy i must say...penat...lelah...tersinggung...saket ati sana sini...tu mkanan harian je rs... and i am still working hard to be a good wife...and now a good mother...but i know it worth all my efforts...

KHADEEJA IRDHINA...9 bulan rs cam 9 mggu je...really miss those moment sembang2 ngan dia when she was still in the womb...miss those moment dia sepak sepak manje especially kalo time she/me lapar...gado ngan dia bile dia sebok men ngan tali pusat sampai kite rs nk cubit2 dia sbb saket...she is my strength sampai tahap mengadu sume bende kat dia when i felt so alone and lonely...huhu...and melahirkan tu memerlukan kekuatan yg bukan sedikit...i love my mom even more and i love my lil pwincess more than anything...

plus minus confinement period ade balance lagi 2 mggu...huhu...seksanye menahan nasfu dari meneguk air btol2 berpantang moden...betungku 7 kali je...param/pilis tak penah calit kat dahi...minum jus oren dgn tak bersalahnye...and mcm2 lagi la yg kalo macik2 tgk sure berkhutbah sehari semlm...silap2 7 generasi pon still bercerita =P

alhamdulillah i have gained my body shape again..cume nk kene kasi toned je...da bole da nk sarung baju nikah/wedding dress ni... ;) tp still gediks nk sambar spanx la...bole tak?hehe...saje takmo nmpk cam orang yg da beranak pinak...and paling penting laki tak komplen... =P

berdebar2 tunggu gedik itu harus!

dapat cincin...yeayyy!~

cincin tunangku...

siap2 nk g masjid...

selamat dinikahkan...

we are now hubby & wifey...

the wedding dais

seksa nk nek pelamin ngan kain ketat ni =P

Luvly babes...

lovey dovey...


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