Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm 27!

Alhamdulillah masih diketemukan dengan 24 Jun :)

I'm 27...owhhh...da dkt nk cecah 30 :-S

Dis year is the greatest birthday so far...why?

1) encik Hubby outstation selama sebulan effective 23 Jun 2011...

2) no birthday cake at all...

3) no call from encik Hubby sepanjang ari...

4) Irdhina ngamok da whole day...

Isn't it great? sape lagi kat atas muke bumi ni yg lebih bertuah dari kite kan? plus, who need a hubby in order to have a great birthday celebration?!?

owhh..i got myself an EOS 550D...and owhhh... sape lagi yg lebih bertuah yg dpt a DSLR on her birthday by swiping her own credit card? I am just so lucky!~


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